Кто не знает, что такое мир, не знает, где он сам...Sank You for meeting of my PageЯ еще в школе усвоил, - что нельзя выдумать ничего столь оригинального и маловероятного, что не было бы уже высказано кем-либо из философов






You can read the text about our Technical University:


The Nizhny-Novgorod State Technical University was founded in October 1917 on the basis of the Warsaw Polytechnical Institute wich moved to Nizhny Novgorod in 1916.

Since 1918 up to 1930 the faculties of the Institute were a constituent part of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. In 1930 two engineering faculties of the Nizhny-Novgorod State University formed the basis of two institutes: mechanical-technological and chemical-technological. In 1934 they became the faculties of the Gorky Industrial Institute. The Industrial Institute was renamed into the Polytechnical in 1950.   

On the 24-th of December 1992 the Nizhny Novgorod Polytechnical Institute got the status of the State Technical University.

Our University is one of the largest higher educational establishments of the Russian Federation. It is housed in several buildings. The 6-th building is a long way from those in Minin Street.

The University trains engineers in 34 specialities for plants, design offices and research institutions in the fields of  electronics, radio-engineering, electrical-engineering, ship-building, machine building, automobile-building, chemistry, physics, and many others.

There study more than 12 thousand students at its 9 day-time, 4 evening and 2 correspondence faculties. The University has a preparatory course and a post-graduate course and a number of branches in other towns. The teaching staff consists of Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honoured workers of Science and Technology, Academicians, professors, Doctors of Sciences and experienced teachers. They work at 61 departments. Some of them are graduates of my University.

The academic year starts on the 1-st of September and ends in June. It is divided into 2 terms. Twice a year the students of the University sit for credit tests and terminal exams.

The course of studies lasts five years or even more. First year students study mathematics, physics, chemistry, descriptive geometry, technical drawing etc. In senior courses they acquire profound knowledge in special subjects. The students get practical skills in well equipped laboratories. The theoretical study is followed by practical session at plants and industrial enterprises. At the end of the course the students submit a graduation paper.

The University has all the facilities for the students to study and work well. Lecture halls, study rooms and laboratories are fitted out with the latest equipment consisting of measuring instruments, TV-sets, training machines, up-to-date devices. Special attention is paid to the wide use of technological aids, the use of computers.

The University library possesses more than 1,5 million books, text-books, reference-books, training aids, technical magazines as well as fiction. The students have a number of reading halls at there disposal.

Advanced students carry out research under supervision of experienced teachers. The tuition at the University is free of charge. The students get grants.

The students Club organizes a series of extra curricular activities. In addition to studies the students have every opportunity to spend their spare time in an interesting way. There is a great variety of amateur art groups for those who enjoy singing, dancing, drama, music. For those who like to go in for sports there are some sport groups and sport-grounds. In the summer vacation many students go out to work with the student construction teams. The students may have a good time in a student sport group.

The Institute provides the students with 4 halls of residence in Lyadov Square. The students can get to the Institute by tram, by bus or by trolley-bus.

The range of studies at the University is constantly expanding and changing to meet new social conditions and requirements. Some of  University faculties and departments are supporting close ties with the related faculties and departments abroad. The University is successfully developing international contacts with a number of industrial firms. The devices and pieces of apparatus are shown at exhibitions both in Russia, CIS and abroad.

Every year thousands of qualified engineers leave the University and go into business and industry. 






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